Fausto Becatti

Tiger Beer

Play reel

Fausto Becatti

Fausto is a heady mix of Italian, Argentinian and South African. He lives for filmmaking as well as photography, music, travel, and adventure. This electric, hot blooded background can be seen in Fausto’s work which often feels like a fever dream – passionate, vibrant and other worldly. As a director, Fausto pairs bright, saturated visuals with poignant, epic storytelling for an evocative, all-consuming result. Fausto’s work has been awarded at The One Show, D&AD, Ciclope Africa and The Loeries Awards.

Fausto 是一位极具魅力的导演,有着意大利、阿根廷和南非三国血统。他热爱电影制作、摄影、音乐、旅行和冒险。在 Fausto 的作品中经常可以看到这些充满激情和让人热血沸腾的背景元素,让人感觉像是一场狂热的梦——激情满满、活力四射、超凡脱俗。作为一名导演,Fausto 善于将明亮、饱和的视觉效果与深刻的、史诗般的故事情节结合在一起,创造出一种令人回味无穷、陶醉其中的效果。他的作品曾获得 The One Show 大奖、D&AD 大奖、非洲 Ciclope 大奖和 Loeries 大奖。